Manille Liqueur de Dalandan in Tin Can 750ml
Manille Liqueur de Dalandan in Tin Can 750ml
Sale price 949.00Regular price % OFF
Regular price 949.00
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Manille Liqueur de Dalandan is the second product in the Manille Liqueur line. This liqueur is made with dalandan (Philippine Orange) rinds in a vodka base. The result is a citrusy sweet liqueur with the essence of orange and lime. It is also an all-natural product with no added flavoring whatsoever. It is perfect as a digestif or as a drink to cleanse the palate between courses. You can also take it as a chilled shot or on the rocks for a refreshing long drink. It can also be use to prepare sweet and savory dishes that require any kind of zesty kick. Manille Liqueur de Dalandan looks to be a new partner for your dishes and cocktails.

ALC/VOL %: 27.5

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