Havana Club 3yo 700ml
Havana Club 3yo 700ml
Sale price ₱799.00Regular price ₱0 % OFF
Regular price ₱799.00

Havana Club 3 Años is a blend of Cuban rum bases, each aged for a minimum of three years in white oak barrels. Havana Club 3 Años combines the perfect balance of lightness & flavour, having enough character to enhance the taste of the cocktails it is used in, but with a delicateness that prevents it from overpowering the drink’s other ingredients. As such, Havana Club 3 Años is the perfect ingredient in many rum-based cocktails & has become one of the bartending community’s favourite spirits. 100% made & aged in Cuba, our’s is the only rum that will give your Mojito a distinctive, authentically Cuban taste. 


Appearance: Havana Club 3 Años has a pleasant pale gold, ‘light straw’ colour that reveals its age.

Nose: A full bouquet of smooth aromas, with hints of oak, molasses and sugar cane, combined with fruity and fresh notes bringing complexity and a fragrant richness.

Palate: Well-balanced and complex, offering a sweet, mildly fruity flavour with a light hint of citrus and smoky, vanilla and chocolate notes.

Classic Serve : Frozen Daiquiri

• 2 parts of Havana Club 3

• 1 measuring spoon of 2.5cl

• 1 part of white sugar

• 1 part of fresh lime juice

• 3 Ice Cubes

How to Serve :

• Add 2 parts rum, 1 part sugar and 1 part lime to a blender.

• Add the equivalent or a mug of ice.

• Blend for 30 seconds.

• Pour into a glass and add a straw to drink.

Spicy • Vanilla • Banana • Oak • Tobacco • Caramel • Pineapple • Cinnamon • Maple Syrup

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Havana Club 3yo 700ml