Mahou IPA 330ml
Mahou IPA 330ml
Sale price ₱199.00Regular price ₱0 % OFF
Regular price ₱199.00

This IPA from Mahou in Spain presents a lightly hazy golden hue capped by a head of sprightly foam. On the nose, look for notes of fruity citrus leaning towards grapefruit, mild pine-like herbal character, touches of stone fruit, earthy character, and a soft, underlying hint of melon. Flavorwise, those hops came through for us with a mixture of earthy spice, mild herbal pine, and lemony citric acidity, while bitterness remains on the moderate side, as we expect for a low-ABV session IPA. A lightly toasty and crackery malt core meets effervescent pinpoint carbonation, which adds refreshing brightness and lift.

ABV: 4.5%

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